Sunday, July 25, 2010

Why Asp.Net Supersedes Classic Asp Web Development

Web Application Development – NET Development

ASP. Net Web development Services

The net development service has been increasingly accepted and is sought after. It has seen a tremendous rise in different techniques with new features being added to newly created websites of today. The progress of these techniques makes structuring and creating websites very attractive and much more user-friendly. Webmyne® is a software company which believes in using state of the art technology such as web development to help serve its customers better. It provides software and domain solutions for businesses eager to start hosting their own websites.

To know more about how you can benefit more click here.

How NET Development is better Than Classic ASP

The made such a stride on its precursor – the Classic Asp that newer versions of Classic Asp were discontinued and the development of took off. Various companies and software firms welcomed the .net technology to create Asp web development web pages and were able to provide more user-friendly websites. While the Asp Classic can still be used as a simple platform some of the finer points of are discussed here.

  1. Stability: The is not vulnerable to application crashes experienced with Asp Classic which used the inetinfo.exe (IIS) process. So the programming achieved thru would be much more stable net development.

  2. Language support: The development is not restricted to VBScript and Java script as is the Asp Classic. Programming languages such as C# enable generating sturdy, full bodied and highly interactive applications.

  3. Compilation: compilation of codes supersedes the line by line compilation of Asp Classic. compilation of web pages result in .Net classes which allows consecutive pages to access the previously compiled code. Errors and inefficiency is greatly reduced saving time and labor for Asp net development.

  4. Scalability: Using makes updating and changing the components of web pages in real-time without needing to restart the web server. The recently introduced ‘XCOPY’ deployed model of takes the credit for this leap in convenience. Formerly updating web pages in Asp Classic applications required shutting down and restarting of IIS.

The tools and features of the web development are helping professionals to achieve more stable web applications. Extremely feature-rich designs of newer websites serve businesses from all walks of life and cater to organizations throughout the world.

To know more about how can be used for your website click here.

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